Bethesda News: A Vintage Affair, with ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ as theme, returns for 23rd year
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Bethesda News: A Vintage Affair, with ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ as theme, returns for 23rd year

Aug 07, 2023

Columnist Joyce Smith

Thought for the week — Make NO decision without PRAYER!

“Hats Off” to the Father-Daughter duo Ralph and Carrie Drury, who are the BACKBONE for the 23rd Annual Main Event, A Vintage Affair, that is Friday evening in Liberty Hall, at the Factory at Franklin. The theme for this event is “Rhinestone Cowboy,” so you can dress in your Western Attire, with your jeans, boots, and cowboy hat to “fit” right in. They have chosen six deserving beneficiaries to receive the donations that were raised at this event. Of course, we in Bethesda, CLAIM Ralph and Carrie as “ours” as they made their home here in Bethesda, next to the Market, before moving to Franklin. As I told you in my last column, our daughter and son-in-law, 2Country4Nashville, will be “Headlining” the music, with their LIVE band.

It consists of Drummer Jim Hartley, who has played with Mel Tillis, Del Reeves, Roy Druskey and others. Their Guitar player is Eugene Moles, who has played with Buck Owens, Merle Haggard and more. Their Pedal Steel Guitar player is Perley Curtis, who has played for Loretta Lynn, Charlie Louvin, Connie Smith. He also has his OWN TV Show on RFD. Their Fiddle Player is Tim Watson, who just performed at our Williamson County Fair as well as 20 years at Opryland/General Jackson Showboat, Tammy Wynette, as well as others, and Bass Guitar is Michelle Lucas, who recently moved to Nashville and has been playing the bass guitar for OVER 30 years. Also, Manuel, who makes his home here in Bethesda, will be there with some of his BEAUTIFUL jackets and shirts that he has made for the STARS. (Take notice of LeAnne’s and Jo-el’s.) There will be a Silent Auction as well as a LIVE one, Tickets are still available at The time is 7 p.m.

Our prayers continue to be with the families of Maui who have lost loved ones as well as their homes and belongings. At this writing there have been over 100 who have been identified as dead with a lot more missing. PLEASE add them to your prayer chain.

We were sorry to learn of the passing of Bill Lillard recently. He retired from Colonial Bakery after 28 years and then went to work for Williamson County Parks & Recreation Center for 12 years. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Adene Whidby Lillard, daughters Sheila (Chris) Pitts, Mai (Jayson Clemmer) Williams, and Dot (Kenny) Scott, brother Doris (Huda) Lillard, of Athens, Georgia, six grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. Funeral services were at Williamson Memorial Funeral Home with Wally Whidby officiating with burial in the Gardens. Our deepest sympathy is extended to EACH family member.

2C4N will be performing at Mockingbird Theater this Saturday at 7 p.m. Their SPECIAL guest will be Matt Prater. This is located at the Factory at Franklin. On Sunday they will be at Bethesda Market, where they begin, with devotional and hymns, at 11:30 a.m. You are invited to join them and enjoy some of the delicious food that the market has. They will be there until 2 p.m. (This is where they first began in 2008.)The Market is located in the HEART of Bethesda at the corner of Bethesda Road and Bethesda Duplex Road.

If you are a member of the Hartley Family, hopefully you have your calendar marked for this Sunday for your Annual Family Reunion. You are to gather at the Bethesda Rec. Center at 2 p.m.

It is time for the 19th Annual Fish Fry at Walker Baptist Church. The date is Saturday, Sept. 30. They will begin serving All You Can Eat at 4 p.m. and continue until 7 p.m. The price is $15 for Adults, $8 for children 4-10 years old, and FREE for children under 4 years old. TAKE OUTS will also be available. They will have a Cake Auction, Bake sale as well as LIVE music for you to enjoy while eating.

I have just learned the Men of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will be having their ANNUAL BBQ on Saturday, Sept. 30, as well. This is a Carry Out ONLY, so you will need to call and place your order. I will try to have more details in my next column.

I just realized that by the time my next column is published, a lot of events will have taken place, so I am going to try and get them in this column so you can mark your calendar. Sept. 4 is the date for the ANNUAL MERCY FRANKLIN CLASSIC that will benefit Mercy Community Health Care. It will take place in downtown Historic Franklin.

My prayers go out to GOD as well as the doctors, family members and friends, EVERY day, but especially on Sept. 7 and 17 as these are the dates that I was diagnosed with cancer 39 years ago. HE could have easily taken me “HOME” with Him, but instead chose to keep me here, so I could let you know just how much prayers are answered and how important it is for us to “THANK HIM” daily.(I will also celebrate my 87th Birthday on Sept. 9 so you can see why I “Go To” God daily.)

Members of Holts Corner Baptist Church would like to Thank each of you for being a part of their Annual Ice Cream Festival this past Saturday. I understand they had a GREAT one. I know the weather was GREAT for it. As far as I know this is the last one for this yeat.

Heaven gained a TRUE Angel this past week when God “Welcomed” Mrs. Leola Parham Shouse Beard into HIS Kingdom. She turned 100 years old this past December and was honored by family members and friends. She made some of the most beautiful quilts, and she LOVED to work in her garden. She is the mother of Lloyd (Sherry) Shouse, and Sharon (Terry, deceased) Webb as well as grandmother of Stephanie (Andy) Lane, Susan, (James) Bryant, Trent (Claire) Webb, and Trael (Elizabeth) Webb and eight great-grandchildren, brother, Marion (Ruby deceased) Parham, sister-in-law, Jeanne Parham, as well as cousins and friends. Funeral services were held at Spring Hill Memorial Funeral Home with burial in the Gardens. Our deepest sympathy is extended to EACH of the family members!

Congratulations to Nolensville Little League Team who has made it to the World Series. WE are so proud of them and wish them the best.

Sunday, Sept. 10, is not only Grandparents Day, it is also the Grigsby-Watson ANNUAL Family Reunion. We will gather at Burwood Community Center anywhere from 11:30 a.m. until eating time at1p.m. (This will give you enough time to go to church.) Please remember to bring your favorite food to share with others as well as drinks and desserts. ALL paper goods will be provided as well as eating utensils. You will need to bring your serving spoons, etc. as the center removed EVERYTHING when COVID struck. Call me if you have any questions.615-308-8205

Just as I was getting ready to submit my column I received a notice from Betty Hughes about the ANNUAL Fall Festival at Hillsboro U.M. Church. This is their 30th one and will be Saturday, Sept. 9. They will begin at 5 p.m. and continue until 8:30 p.m. You can enjoy BBQ, Chicken, potato salad, beans, slaw and desserts. They will have a Silent Auction as well as a LIVE one that will begin at 6:30 p.m. They will also have a Country Store with jams, jellies, canned vegetables etc. The children will be able to enjoy crafts and games. Live entertainment will be provided while you enjoy your food. The church is located in Lieper’s Fork.

Once again COVID has made its way into the home of so many of our friends. Sorry to have learned that Lillian Hill has it along with ALL the other health issues. Her daughter, Vickie, is also recovering from having had it. Freda Joslin, Sandra, Calvin, Stephanie Tammy, as well as some of the other Glenn Families have been battling it as well. Please remember each of them in your prayers as well as Tyler Poteete, who is improving, Mattie Marlin, Terry Marlin, Linda Brown, Leola Glenn, Tabitha Mynatt, Jerry Gillespie, Cheryl Wilson, Pam Davis, Lillie Buford, Kim Tomlin Anderson, Stacie Cammilleri, Jimmy Thompson, Charlie Jackson, Jimmy Jackson, Curtis Jackson,

Linda Poteete, Jane Frost, Dodie Hazelwood, Aubree Padgett. Susie Bennett, Marcia Derby, mother of Derby Jones, as well as others. (Please let me know if you have someone whom you would like for me to add to our prayer chain.)

Our prayers are with those of you who have lost loved ones over the past weeks. To the families of Jack McCollum, father of Merry Gaylor, former teacher at Johnson Elementary, Bruce Robert Kelly, Sr., father of Denise Bearman, teacher at FMS, David Ausbrooks, husband to Linda and father of Dana, Kathryn Hauk, Bill Lillard, Leola Shouse, as well as others.

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